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Rooms Where I Live

LeAne R. Austin

Publisher: Luminary Media Group
ISBN-10: 1930580487
ISBN-13: 9781930580480
Paperback Book  128 pages  6 in. x 9 in.

Click here for availability details.

LeAne R. Austin “I can hear the quiet footsteps, as she drifts from attic room to attic room. Is she looking for something? . . .
. . . she gently makes her home in my heart, and in the attic of my mind. I believe in Angels.”

Author LeAne Austin searches her innermost soul to pull out the loneliness and heartaches, the joy and laughter, the pain and tears that wander through a woman's life.

With musical rhythm and symbolism, the writer roams from room to room, in her heart, looking and feeling her way as she finally finds home . . . at last.

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